Giving money to food
Giving money to food
Giving money to food
Success Orphanage and Widows Home is a remarkable organization that is making a significant impact in the lives of vulnerable orphans and widows in Nigeria. The organization's commitment to providing shelter, education, healthcare, and other basic needs to those in need is truly inspiring.
Raised ₦ 840,020
Offering education and healthcare services
Raised ₦ 6M
Engaging the community in activities that promote the well-being of orphans and widows
Raised ₦ 20,004,959.95
Orphanage and Widows, Offering education and healthcare services
Global Partner
Save Children
Overall, Success Orphanage and Widows Home is a beacon of hope in the community.
If you are interested in supporting Success Orphanage and Widows Home, there are a few ways you can help. You can make a donation to the organization to support its work. You ca...
Success Orphanage and Widows Home's vision is to build a society where orphans and widows are not marginalized but rather embraced and supported by the community.
Another impressive aspect of Success Orphanage and Widows Home is its advocacy work. The organization is not content with just providing care for orphans and widows; it is also ...